Is it possible to control the direction of movement of a Prop Mover with Verse?
I want to change the direction of movement of props at any given time.
Is it possible to control the direction of movement of a Prop Mover with Verse?
I want to change the direction of movement of props at any given time.
Depends on what you’re trying to achieve, if you want to control if it goes forward or backward then you have functions for this.
If you want to revert the direction, you’ll have to manually store the current direction because there’s no getter to retrieve the actual prop mover direction.
If you want to freely control the direction, here’s some ideas :
I don’t think the Rotate Clockwise
function work, but you can give them a try, they’re not callable from Verse, so you’ll have to call a trigger that’s calling them in UEFN. (Think I’ve tried it but it didn’t work)
You can also try to parent your prop_mover
to an empty prop and rotate this prop before resetting the prop_mover in Verse
Use MoveTo() instead
EDIT : You could use sequences to do it too
sry im noob, what is “resetting” ?
I’d say you’ll have to figure it out with one (or many) of these functions :
prop_mover_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Moves the prop to its original position.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Begins the prop moving.
Begin<public>():void = external {}
# Ends the prop moving.
End<public>():void = external {}
I’d say you can try Disabling it first, then rorating the prop, then enabling the prop_mover again, but it’s just an idea, I’m not sure it will work
Thank you for your ideas.
If I use MoveTo, I need to specify two points, right?
Is it possible to create a system that keeps moving forward on its own?
Yes, I guess you could call MoveTo()
as much as you want
What are you trying to achieve exactly ?
It is still under consideration.
I would like to get the direction the player is facing and have the props advance in that direction. I can acquire the direction, but I cannot create props that move forward on their own. This is why I was looking for help.
If I want to keep moving props forward, does that mean I need to call MoveTo over and over again?
It really depends on what you’re trying to do really, does your prop spawn, is it already spawned ? Does it need to be teleported ? Does it need to follow the player ? If yes, does it need to be perfectly synced with the player ?
Moving props is not that easy, so it’s a matter of try and retry… I lack information to give you the exact solution sorry.
Glad to hear from an excellent creator.
I’ll try to plan more and try and do some trial and error! Thank you very much!
Do you have an answer to this question?
I’m not an excellent creator dude, I didn’t even publish once yet
Ye sure, MoveTo() goes from point A to point B so yeah, you’ll probably have to call it many times.
If you use Verse you probably do not need the prop mover device at all. You can move props directly by setting translation (XYZ), rotation and scale.
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