Cameras rotated after export to Maya


Hi guys!

I’m doing the tutorial “RealityCapture tutorial: Camera Projections in Maya”. After import in Maya, the cameras seem to be locally turned in the wrong direction, but they are globally where they need to be. Checked on different models. how can this be solved?

Could you please share with us the export settings you used in realitycapture and import settings in maya?

Erik, export settings are shown in the picture. Then I load the scene and obj in Maya.



It might be that Maya has issues with the coordinate system used. In the video a local euclidean has been used. Could you try to export both as “Grid plane” and try again?

Exported. It did not help solve the problem(

Well I am sorry about that. Maybe you could ask on Maya forums or their direct support. The settings of export in RC seem correct so there has to be something on their side. If you will be able to find a solution, it would be great if you post it here for others.


like Sasha i have the same problem, it worked well before. I made an update of RC, and since then i have this disoriented camera in Maya.

is there a solution ?

Thank you

Not that I know Sir. 
Do you by any chance have an old file which worked correctly for you and a new file that is disoriented? It would then be easier for us to have a look at the differences.

Hello dear 366689808531 and 377895827452 
excuse me, the issue was on our side and we have a hotfix for this. Please check this thread for instructions