cameras align failed

Hi, I’m doing my project using RC in univ. I’m trying to capture a small cube by using my Android phone(samsung galaxy note9) but when it processes the images that I took it says "cameras align failed ". I captured the object taking all the frame but it doesn’t work. What should I do?

Hello there,
this is very little information to give you any meaningful help. We would need more specific information such as:

  1. How many pictures did you take?
  2. Did you move enough between taking pictures? There needs to be enough parallax and overlap between pictures.
  3. Did you perhaps not move the camera/phone between pictures, but instead move the object you are trying to capture?
  4. What was the image resolution?
  5. Did your camera app use any kind of stabilization? (if so, turn it off)
  6. Did you crop your images in any way before importing into RC?

You see, successful trouble shooting requires plenty of data in order to give constructive feedback.