When playing P.T. Silent hills you have a option to zoom in if you press R3 is there a guide or tutorial out there that teaches me how to implement that into my game?
Look into Get/Set Field of View. Create a variable of your camera in the characterBP then drag from it and search for field of view, and you’ll see the nodes. The smaller the value the closer it gets.
Hi there just wanna add on the answer of jacky if you want your zoom to look like the one in p.t you should do it with a timeline. How I’ve done it is when you press the input to zoom it plays the timeline and when the input is released it reversed the timeline.For the timeline itself you create a float track and then add a key with a time value of zero and a float value of your field of view when you’re not zoomed in. Then you create another key with a time value of like 0.6 seconds and a smaller float value of your basic field of view. You can then curve the line between the 2 keys to make the zoom smoother. Finally in your blueprint you link your float track green output to your set field of view green input. If you need screenshots just ask it and sorry for my english hope it helps.