Hey! This is very specific and maybe even technical but would anyone know how to set up a camera zoom in on a character right before they before an action/animation, kinda like in injustice 2?
do want to zoom in on another character or just want to zoom the camera?
Kinda like, camera zooms in on character as they strike a pose then goes back to third person as the character does their attack
Just shorted the length of the spring arm
But this is mostly going to be used for enemy AI. How would you get the camera to go from third person then switch to the enemy before they do their special and switch back to third person?
Create another camera and activate it
You have a camera as part of the enemy. When they are going to make a move, the enemy controls a SetViewTargetWithBlend to their ‘combat camera’, so the player can see the ‘get ready’, then it switches back to the third person camera.