Camera View's Collision within Actor dependent on client resolution

Hey there,

I’m creating a top down 2D game within UE5. And I’d like to have a collision to the view border of the camera - and limited to the floor.

Simply said, the entire player’s camera view shall not pass a map border or a certain floor.
The problem is when the player is moving too far towards the map border, he can see beyond the actual map. So I like to have the camera colliding earlier than the player will do.

As this will depend on the client’s resolution, I’d like to have it automatically adjusted.
But I haven’t found an (easy) way to do that via options/check marks…
The camera is bound to a player actor and there are no camera collision options at all for itself.

Is there actually such an option somewhere (hidden)?
Or is it the only way to add a box collision attached to cam/player, where i have to write an automation to adjust the collision’s size on ‘Begin Play’ to have such “feature”?

I appreciate any help :slight_smile:

Thank you for your time and
have a nice day!

No one? :slight_smile: