Camera Tracking Focus BUG For animated mesh and blueprints ?!

I’m using camera “tracking focus” and I have selected this metahuman to be Tracked(image number 1 and 2).

also I have applied an animation to metahuman in level sequence , but camera is tracking the root of metahuman blueprint(image number 3) which doesn’t move(in image number 3 I have showed that it doesn’t move ).

I know that the body of metahuman moves( I have Showed that it moves in image number 4), so If I select the body to be tracked, it will work. but I can’t select body or other part of metahuman to be tracked.

One other way is attaching an actor(for example a cube) to a part of metahuman and then select that actor to be tracked. but I cant attach the actor to metahuman or one part of It

can I attach that cube to a bone of metahuman? I think it will work but I don’t know how to that.

I have the same problem with other things like an animated Spiderman skeletal mesh.

You can add a socket to the skeleton at the head or eyes if need be and attach an object with visibility turned off to track to if need be.

I have same issue. Did you find a good solution? Did @scottunreal solution with a socket (I need to google what that means) work?