Camera to Spring arm attaching bug

Just posted this in the forums and another user confirmed they are seeing the same. Seems like a bug:

Hello tardygrade,

I just read over the post, and am working in my own project to verify what you are reporting. Is this bug you are reporting, that when creating a new camera component, even with ‘CameraBoom’ selected, it parents the camera to the root by default?

If you could please give me the specifics, or a detailed description of the bug you are experiencing I can go ahead and enter the report on my end.

Thank you,

So, this is basically straight from following 3rd person tutorial video, video 12. The process is as follows:

  1. You open up the character blueprint, go to components, then AddComponent. You choose SpringArm component (that gets renamed to BoomComponent later). Then you set some length for the springarm, for example 300, and offset of maybe z 40.

  2. Now the idea is to add a camera to this spring arm component. So you click the spring arm component and then Add Component and that adds the camera

  3. At this point the camera is at the root. Now you drag the camera and drop on the spring arm component. At this point in the video camera gets automatically parented to the end of the spring arm. In my case however, it stays at 0,0,0 of the root, but if you look at the translation section you can see that some values were automatically added, as if to force it to stay at the root.

There’s more info with pix here:


And here’s the exact location in that video I followed:

Everything is fine until 5:22 when he drags the camera and drops it into the spring arm (boom ) component. BUT in his case the camera gets reparented, in mine it stays at 0,0,0, and as a I said you can see that the app adds automatically translations to the camera to keep it at 0,0,0 of the root instead of attaching it to the spring arm end. For example, if my spring amr length was 300 and I had it as 40 z, when I do this my camera will automatically be assigned values of X = -300 , and Z = -40 basically offsetting whatever I have in the springarm settings.

Hey tardygrade,

Thank you for the additional information as it helped clarify your issue. I have run some tests on my end and can confirm what you are reporting. I have gone ahead and entered a bug report for this issue (UE-13202), and we ask that you look in the release notes, posted on our Forums, for recent hot fixes and releases.

Thank you for taking the time to create this bug report as it helps improve our users experience with the Engine.


I wanted to add to this rather than submit another “question” since I am experiencing the exact same thing. The only thing I wanted to add is that this is still happening in version 4.7.6 - as an aside, the operation of parenting your camera to the spring arm worked as expected in 4.7.5 but for some reason was lost in the latest update.

Hey jtsmith,

The bug is still currently in testing and is marked to be fixed with the release of 4.8. When the fix is implemented, we will add it to the release notes of 4.8 which you can view by going to our Forums.

Thank you,