How can I implement this kind of camera tilt when walking sideways?
Let me clarify that one common node IA_Move is responsible for the WASD buttons.
How can I implement this kind of camera tilt when walking sideways?
Let me clarify that one common node IA_Move is responsible for the WASD buttons.
I do this tutorial but is in spanish, u can translate the page… anyways most of it is just copying code
Thanks! But the last point didn’t work out for me.
This was taken from the character’s blueprint. Where can I find PlayerCameraManager variable to connect it as an object?:
search the node “Get player camera manager” then click and drag the return value and search Cast to “your player camera manager name”
As a result, the character does not move, although everything compiled successfully. If I connect “cast faded”, then the character starts to move, but after playing, the following error appears: “Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property K2Node_DynamicCast_AsPlayer_Camera_Manager”. Node: On Strafe Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Character Blueprint: BP_Character”
that error is because your player camera manager dont have the event “On Strafe”, Make sure you are casting the file you created or click and drag from the blue dot of the cast and search again “on Strafe”
Since you say that it moves when the cast failed, it is probably the first option that is happening.
It could also be that you skipped this step:
In our Player Controller in Class Default we search for “Player manager” and assign the one we recently created.
you fix it?
In process.
Yes, i fixed it. It was necessary to connect “On strafe” after the main code for movement, and not before it. Thanks a lot!
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