A camera does not move if the game is paused (SetGamePaused) and the cameras tick is enabled with “SetTickableWhenPaused=true”. Every other actor can move with ticks enabled, only the camera seems to have problems… The camera ticks and updates its location, but the camera view itself (this what the player sees) is only updated after the game has been unpaused.
Hi John,
I attempted to reproduce this but I couldn’t get your results. This is what I’m doing to test it.
Could I see how your setup differs?
That’s strange, I don’t think I’m doing it a lot different.
I’m pausing the game from the gamemode and not from the actor which holds the camera, but this should not make any difference.
So you see the camera slowly moving 1 in X per frame?
I just changed it so the game was paused through the GameMode but I’m still getting the same results. When the game pauses, the camera component continues to move.
The camera component does move, but do you also “look” through the camera and see your “eyes” moving? So do you use the camera as the one which is creating the image you see in the viewport?
Okay, I see what you mean now. I though setting the Player Controller to enabled for Set Tickable would fix the issue but that doesn’t work either. I’ve created JIRA UE-17286 and the devs will be investigating further.
We will post back here with updates as we have them.
Any update on this?
I have the same problem!!!
JIRA UE-17286 in version 4.22 has not yet been fixed!!!