camera shake in 2d side scroller

Im trying to add camera shake when the player is damaged. I have created a camera shake BP, and added the play world camera shake node as per the unreal tutorial video on camera shakes
How ever, this tutorial video is for a FPS not 2d side. so im wondering, since my camera shake is not working, is there a different way to do this for 2D sides?

So i figured it out, and i hope this helps anyone else that wants to use camera shakes in a 2d side.
So i think that since in the unreal tutorial vid, its an FPS and since the camera is inside the player characters position, then calling the location of the player character works for FPS, but in 2d side scrollers the camera is away from the player character on the y axis. so calling the actor location does shake the right spot, so you need to call the cameras location, and it works! :slight_smile:


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Thanks a lot!! You help me with this post. I Append another way to implement in a Widget. :slight_smile: