Camera shake, Character stuck on the ground on high altitudes

I found these behaviors 100 0000 00 uu above the world origin.
Is it caused by float precision issue, and how can I solve it, and are there any other malfunctions in such large-scale unreal world?

It seems that the character stuck issue is caused by ‘SafeMoveUpdatedComponent’'s performing no movement in UCharacterMovementComponent::MoveAlongFloor():

SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(RampVector, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentQuat(), true, Hit);
float LastMoveTimeSlice = DeltaSeconds;

// here, I found that when the character was stucked, Hit.bStartPenetrating was true, and Hit.penetration depth was something like 0.0001
if (Hit.bStartPenetrating)
// Allow this hit to be used as an impact we can deflect off, otherwise we do nothing the rest of the update and appear to hitch.
SlideAlongSurface(Delta, 1.f, Hit.Normal, Hit, true);

if (Hit.bStartPenetrating)

ok…just call SetWorldOriginLocation in the blueprint…