Camera Rotation ONLY when RMB Is help

Hi Everyone

I am trying to make a camera that rotates ONLY when the RMB is held down, I cannot find tutorials and I’ve given it a go just trying things from the template cameras and I cannot get it to work in blueprints at all.

I really need step by step help on this one if possible.

You can use the existing setup as in the 3rd person template, but also:

  • create a new default input action (for holding RMB)


  • add it to the the mapping context as the right mouse button


  • and, finally, modify the IA_Look like so:

In short, the IA_Look only works if IA_Hold is down.

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OMG You legend.

I do have two questions if you have time.

In the IA_HOLD should that be left a defaults e.g. Digital Bool?

Secondly, is there a way to restrict the amount of movement on any axis, so for example X gets full 360 but Y only gets a small amount of up and down?

Thankyou again even if you don’t answer anything else.

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Short version: check the very last entry at the very bottom. Otherwise, full setup here:

  • create a Player Controller BP add it to the Game Mode:

  • create a Camera Manager BP:

  • assign the Camera Manager to the Player Controller:

  • adjust the Camera Manager’s Class Defaults:

Or, instead:

Does not matter where it goes. The engine provides defaults; if you do not need any extras from the camera manager, this might just do.

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