Im using premade top down template UE5 comes with.
Main idea:
Free look camera (Horizontal and Vertical) on RMB orbiting the player.
When RMB is active cursor should saving the position and become invisible.
When RMB is no longer active cursor should restore the position and become visible once again.
So far it does work flawlessly but with one problem - horizontal (Yaw Z Axis) rotation is limited by the corners of the screen and im not sure how to fix it to make the infinite rotation.
Please local gurus, i need your help!
Main Rotation Blueprint (with limited (Pitch Y Axis) angles and SpringArm collision on)
Made in BP_TopDOwnCharacter.
Custom functions:
Why Game and UI node?
When RMB is activated it limits mouse movement to the corners of the screen, so Game and Ui node is pretty much solving this problem.
Added to premade blueprint in BP_TopDownController.