I’m working in an automatic reel based on a Spline, where a given component (a Mesh, for example) travels across that spline using both Get Location at Distance along Spline and Get Tangent at Distance along Spline, using the Location and the Rotation (calculated by using Make Rot from X on the tangent) as the new World Transform of that component.
The main player’s Pawn is supposed to be attached to this component in first person mode, following its track. If I leave Use Pawn Control Rotation unchecked, everything happens as it should with the exception of not being able to look anywhere except the direction given transformation.
If I check that value (as I believe it should be), advancing along the Spline is not a problem and I can look around but there’s a catch: my direction is not updated and I’m always “facing” the same way by moving in space without any kind of rotation.
This is just a simple mathematics ADDING your existing Rotator with the rotation you force by that track and the rotation you execute manually by input, isn’t it?
So if you in example driving a circle facing straight away from the trail and you want to keep your viewpoint (result is the actual existing rotaion) you need to compensate the forced rotation manually (forced +x degrees added to manually -x degrees has to be 0, viewport stays in place).
Thats what players feels like fighting against the movement rotaion in cars and stuff, right?
Sorry if I eventually got that wrong but I thinks this is what you are looking for.
That’s exactly where the problems come in. Adding rotations affects the pawn correctly but not the camera’s orientation. This only works if I uncheck Use Pawn Control Rotation in the Pawn’s Camera, but in that case my inputs do not affect the camera any longer and I can’t rotate at all. That’s why this thing is driving me nuts. The only way I can effectively turn the camera is by using the “Add control input” nodes.