Camera rotating with player


I’m having a problem in which my camera is quickly rotating with the player character and then immediately returning to its original location. This is being done inside a custom Actor Component that handles my attacks. Below is the blueprint code and a video showing the issue.

Also, this is in 5.1.1. I have also tried this in a new project in 5.3.2 and have the same problem. My guess is these functions should be done in the player blueprint and not the component as I have done this function directly inside the player blueprint with no issue. I just want it inside a component so I can add these functions to other actors.

Any help to point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

quick bump to see if anyone has answers.

Just an update: I decided to move on by implementing the code into the player blueprint and other blueprints that will have this ability.

I’ll leave this unresolved to see if someone might have an answer.

i will try to help but i would need to know few thing

When does this happen?

Why do you think it happen ?

is there is an event that you think it does that ?

i see that u have a set actor rotation node , try to check teleport physics not sure if this would work

Look into how Control Rotation works. It’s a property of the Player Controller pawns and their cameras can (optionally) inherit from. You could attempt to Set Rotation of a pawn all day long, only to have it reset to control rotation next (or even the same) frame.

Hard to tell what is going on in the animation, and even harder to suggest anything tangible without knowing:

  • how the involved pawns work
  • how the controller is set up
  • how you want it to work

But it seems exactly like the abovementioned scenario.

Thank you for responding and trying to help diagnose this issue.

Having returned to this function the issue seems to stem from the delays before setting the rotation and location. I’ve tested with and without the delay. The one without works with no issue, and the one with, the issue returns.

The whole idea for this function is once the player hits the enemy the player then teleports behind and continues the combo. The video below shows this in action.

With a delay before setting actor location/rotation

Without delay before setting the actor location/rotation

ill definitely take a look into this.

Thank you,