Camera Rig

Is there any plan to deal with camera rigs ?
As of now, an acquisition with a multi camera system can be treated, although when using a multi camera system, the distance between cam1 & cam2 for pose1 is not the same as for pose2, and the angle between cams also changes.
That would be very useful to strengthen the resulting geometry and overall improve the resulting quality in such configurations.

Bump !
Any plans for adding this in a next release ? (this was actually included by mistake in a previous release a few months ago, but crashed at the time).
This would be great to improve and speed up the alignment on camera rigs !

Hello guys,
there is no ETA for this feature to be included in release.
Please stay patient, we will add it in the future for sure.

I would love for this feature to finaly come together! +1


I remember this was included by mistake in a 2016 or early 2017 build, will it come back in the future ???




Any chance the camera rig feature become available ?