Hey guys,
i have an issue with the export of registration data to maya. In my workflow I have to reproject and bake some textures in maya. When I export the cameras as well as the undistorted images (maya 2013 ascii), the image projection has a slight mismatch on the mesh (like some sort of offset or scaling issue). I already tried some different export settings, but without any good results. Anyone some idea how to achieve perfectly fitting projection in maya?
Hi Ilja Burzev
are you using the latest RC build
Look at where the RC is installed and check the CALIBRATION.XML file - it should be 6897 bytes in size. It contains everything for the PROPER camera projection (film gate and so on).
If it is not the same size, use this version from attachment and replace it ( restart RC ).
Use these settings for export ( except the image pixel size ).
perfect! The calibration file solved my problem! Thanks
This fixed the issue for me too! Nice one Milos!
Hi all,
I would like to know, if you have fixed this issue in latest version of RC (I am using Steam version).
We are trying to export mesh and cameras from RC and import it in to Maya, but mesh and cameras does not match together.
I used recommended setting and I tried also replace calibration.xml, but still not working.
Hi Grundmann
Can you be more specific on this workflow ?
Are you first importing the model and then cameras (what format ) or using the FBX import ( model + camera imported in one step )
Hi Wishgranter,
at first we import maya scene and then mesh in *.obj.
We will try to play with FBX meanwhile.