Hi, I have an issue with a third person camera. My character uses default camera mount for third person template. When I run game it works fine, but I added an AI that follows character. Unfortunately when AI gets within a distance of about 45 units. camera abruptly shifts to center of player character. I have no idea why it does this, but I’m sure it has something to do with either of character’s settings.
Hey DRamos97,
This isn’t a bug. If you open ThirdPersonCharacter Blueprint, you’ll see that FollowCamera is attached to a CameraBoom. This is a Spring Arm component, which means it will push camera in when it’s blocked by something. What’s likely happening is that your AI Character starts blocking Character’s camera, so Spring Arm pushes in.
You can play with settings of this inside Details panel while CameraBoom is selected. Look in Camera Collision section: you can adjust Probe Size to increase or decrease size of collision check, you can entirely disable collision test, or you can change Channel collision test is performed on. By default, this is set to Camera. If you change this to Visibility, it will only consider collision based on this collision channel (which does not include pawns). That should resolve issue for you.
A bit more about Spring Arm component can be found here: 使用虚幻引擎弹簧臂组件 | 虚幻引擎5.2文档
Hope that helps!
Thanks, I knew there was some simple solution that I was breaking my head over. I’m new to UE 4, and I’m trying to port my project over from Blender. As you can see, I was getting frustrated with learning a new software. I really appreciate reply