Camera pivot displaced?

Hey guys!

In some way, probably while piloting the cinematic camera mesh actor, I moved the pivot positioning. This has changed all my camera’s positions in the Sequencer, so it pretty much ruined all the shots I had.

Is there any way to reset the pivot? The Pivot orientation is the want I need. The camera is displaced.

Basically need to move the camera back to its place :slight_smile:

Thanks all!

  1. Select the CineCameraActor;
  2. In “Details” tab Select the
    “CameraComponent (Inherited)”;
  3. Under “Transform”, reset the
    Location X, Y and Z of the

This should do it.


Glad to help :slight_smile:

That did it :smiley: Thanks!

where is this in unreal 5 ?

In “Details” tab Select the
“CameraComponent (Inherited)”;

Thanks a lot (took sime time to figure out what the inherited Camera Component is)

If anyone is wondering When you
select camera
in details window (left side is says "Edit in C++ " ) select Camera Component
And write 0 to every entry of TRANSFORM

Thaaaaaaaaanks Man … You saved my life big time :grin::ok_hand: