Camera panning requires certain mouse speed to begin.

Hello there,

I built a first person character from scratch on an empty Simulation project following Matt Aspland’s video on how to do it (link: with the help of Enhanced Input and I’ve followed the video perfectly, but there’s a small issue.

My camera pans and everything is well, except it only begins to pan if my mouse is moving at a certain speed. If I move it too slow - which is very easy in this case - the camera won’t move at all.

Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. Yes, it could be a bug. I’m using the newest 5.4 version of the engine and I’m using a bit of an unpopular option for a project template - this being the Simulation template project.

Turns out my problem got solved on its own. I duplicated and renamed subsequent Input Action Mappings to save time and they all had Down as a Trigger Mapping enabled inside them which made a few things glitch apart from just that too.

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