I am seeing an issue with my camera pan for a main menu. I have the main menu on a separate level and I am streaming our gameplay level in the background, where I have the spline to run the camera pan.
Here is the code for the camera pan, located in the main menu level game mode:
Where “Current Path” is the actor blueprint with the spline component and “Pan Time” is the length of the pan, in seconds.
The pan works fine when I load the main menu level initially, but when I reload the level from gameplay, say when the character dies, I am seeing certain parts of the camera blur on the splice path. This only happens when the main menu level is being reloaded, not upon initial load of the level.
How I reload the main menu level:
And how I am streaming the gameplay level from the main menu game mode:
Where “Level Name” is the name of the level to stream.
Here is a video of what I am experiencing (intense blur warning):
Please let me know if you have any questions or clarifications. Any help would be greatly appreciated!