Hi there,
Please help me to set the rotation of camera to the center of selected object. Initially, i have taken keyframe smoothly around selection, but while playing sequencer video I'm getting results like this.
I need like this
Hi there,
Please help me to set the rotation of camera to the center of selected object. Initially, i have taken keyframe smoothly around selection, but while playing sequencer video I'm getting results like this.
I need like this
How does the sequencer know where the center point is? ( is that even possible with the sequencer? )
what if you try this
create an empty actor in the scene, put it where you want the center to be.
parent the camera to the actor, position the camera around the object how you want to frame it.
rotate the ‘empty actor’
don’t touch camera
You could also use a sphere instead of an empty actor (as suggested by @YuuJin ) if you want to line up to something and then turn off its visibility once it’s setup.
Thanks for reacting, We are at the beginning level to Unreal engine, I haven’t found suitable solution in sequencer tutorials. Please help me to resolve this, with a visual solution.
we got your idea, but hosting that empty camera visuals are not presenting in sequencer, please convey your solution with snips or video
Add the empty actor or sphere that you’re attached to, to the level sequence.
Set keys for the start and end yaw of that.
Add the camera to the sequencer.
In the viewport select that camera (instead of default) to see it’s view.
You may find it best to do the attachment all in sequencer. In 4.26 at least sequencer attachment worked better than world outline attachments.
Woudl also suggest going to Unreal Learnign and checking out beginning sequencer tutorials.
Hi guys, thanks for your replies, and suggestions, Finally I found the solution on youtube, and I’m giving the link below, please share it with people Who come to your notice.