Hello, I am teaching students at a Virtual Production University. I want to project what I am seeing on the computer via NDI to the Immersive Mapping room. For this I made a NDIBrodcastActor camera to send the signal to the other computer.
At this point it is sent well but I cannot make the NDIBroadcastAct camera move with the keyboard or the mouse, it remains fixed. Is there a way to create a BluePrint to do this? thank you!
Hello, thanks for answering my post.
I tried to Attach the NDIBroadcastActor with the Player Start but it doesn’t work when i put play. Your idea is very good (parenting the Broadcast Actor to an empty actor)! I’m just learning how to create a Player Controller. I’m still not very clear.
Can you please continue to give me some help with creating an empty actor and input mappings? thanks