CAMERA: Multiple Issues I need help Fixing

After having enough of getting wrong solutions, I decided to retake my steps, when creating a 1st and 3rd person camera with shoulder/side positioning to my “camera setup”, and by using (finally found) Child Actor Components (CAC) I managed to hook the single camera actor blueprint to both child actors. That finally allowed me to switch between 1st and 3rd person cameras with “Set View Target with Blend” node.

But I’m struggling with couple of things below:

Child Actor Components with Camera Actor

Perspective Toggle Function

First issue (3rd and 1st Person Camera):
I’m struggling with setting the new Field Of View value to the CAC Camera Actor, so that both perspectives share the FOV Value.

Graphshot of Blueprint that Updates Camera Values from Data Table.

Second issue (3rd Person Camera):
I’m trying to make the 3rd Person Camera, when aiming, to smoothly transit (blend) to the next shoulder position instead of snapping right away.
Cam Param Row Current Aim stores shoulder position row name for when player stops aiming.

Graphshot of Blueprint Function that changes the “camera parameters” shoulder position (socket location), based on X direction of player.

Integer 2/3 = Left/Right Shoulder Camera Position.

Graphshot of Blueprint Function, triggered when player is aiming in 3rd Person Perspective. Set node of Cam Param Row Current Normal gets Cam Param Row Current Aim variable row name stored in it (Last Shoulder Position Row Name).

I already tried with this so-called Spring Arm Camera Lag “solution” that proved to be unsuccessful. It doesn’t helps with blend transition to the next camera position.

Third issue (1st Person Camera):
I don’t have full rotation control over 1st Person Camera. I can rotate the character horizontally, but not vertically, and the camera is bobbing like crazy.

EDIT: What, confused? Need more info?
Here’s a Graphshot of how Perspective Switching function is toggled:

And here’s another Graphshot of initial setup of those Camera Parameters: