As title says, with Left click button I move forward and backwards, but with Right click I can’t look around. I just go to TOP and BOTTOM, but I can’t see around being static. It is very hard for me to move around scene as it is acting.
I searched all options, but I can’t find anything to change it. Any ideas?
Which version of engine are you using? Are you using a mouse or a trackpad? Are you trying to navigate within level Viewport, or in a sub-editor (like Blueprint or Material Editors)?
We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so I am marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this issue, please provide details requested above and we will continue to investigate. Thanks!
There are some known limitations with editor support of Magic Mouse (being tracked as UEPLAT-994), but for now you’ll need to use mouse like a trackpad.
Experiencing same issue using 4.18.3 and macbook pro builtin touchpad, when doing two finger click and drag camera moves up down left right but not rotates, same as with arrow keys - cant rotate
Yeah These Guys Can’t Make A Simple Camera Work, Seriously, I Have To Right Click To Look Around But Its ALSO Same Button For Getting Options, You Can Image What Takes Place Everytime I Try To Look Around, A Struggle, Unreal Is One Of WORST UI’s I HAVE EVER Come Across, And These Are Same Guys Who Made Unreal Game? Ridiculous, But Unity, On Other Hand, Is Much Easier Even CryEngine, Ridiculous
Also, Unreal Unreal Launcher, Unreal Has Improved Launcher A Little Now, But Their Useless Launcher Was On Of Most Useless And Worst Launcher Of ALL TIME, Imagine Have All Those Workers And Employees And Etc And Yet Making A Launcher Like This, Ridiculous, But I Think Its Improved Now, But Should Of Seen It Before Improvements, R I D I C U L O U S, Launcher Was So Bad It Actually Stopped Me From Choosing Unreal, I Went To CryEngine, Would Of Still Be There If It Wasn’t For Their Miserable Work Flows, Bruh, Anyways