Camera move in wrong place after possess

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a project with a top-down view and third-person movement using an orthographic camera in Unreal Engine. I’ve encountered an issue where the camera’s position and rotation behave unexpectedly after switching characters.


  1. Character Blueprint: I’m using the default Third-Person Shooter (TPS) character blueprint. I disabled camera yaw and pitch to lock the mouse rotation.
  2. Camera Boom: I adjusted the CameraBoom’s offset to elevate the camera’s position.
  3. Camera Rotation: I manually rotated the camera to ensure it faces the player directly.
  4. Movement Input: To align the WASD keys correctly (due to the camera rotation), I added an offset to the ‘AddMovementInput’ in the TPS nodes.
  5. Character Variants: Created multiple child blueprints of the TPS character for different player options.
  6. Character Switching: Implemented character switching with the ‘possess’ node, which is triggered by a key press.

Problem: The camera’s position and rotation work correctly as long as I don’t move any characters. However, if I move a character, switch to another, and then switch back to the original character, the camera’s position and rotation are incorrect.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or have suggestions on how to maintain consistent camera behavior when switching characters? Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!



Video Source:

Thanks to this post I discovered that there is an option on the CameraBoom that inherits the rotation from the Pawn.

My problem now is every time I change character, the direction of the input is rotated. For example, if I press ‘W’ to go forward, with one character is forward, but the next after the switch is 45° left, and so on and so forth.

Any ideas?

New switch character blueprint:


I did it! (I guess).
Thanks of this post you have to change the movement input based on the camera direction.

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