I am trying to create a simple cinematic using the basic camera, the project this is for is in VR and I am having some issue with it. I created my animation using Level Sequence but when i press play the animation does work as it is supposed to but I am having two different issues those are:
First Issue: On play animation begins but the actual view is different to where I want to player to be facing. So what is actual happening is that the animation begins and the player can look around which is not what I want them to be able to do. I want them to have a locked view until my Camera Sequence finishes then it will inherit my pawn enabling movement etc. How can I do this ?
Second Issue: My animation is based within a chamber where the player looks to the left and right and then moves out of the chamber but for some reason the camera moves out of this chamber completely. My object does not have any collision at all and I have no idea why this is happening in the first place. My suspicion has to do with the first Issue but I am not sure at all. I have tried many different things and still cant figure out what is wrong.