Camera lock in Static Mesh Editor?

In the documentation it talks about having the camera locked so you can orbit a mesh, but I don’t see where it talks about how to change the camera mode to locked so it performs like this.

Static Mesh Editor Controls

LMB + Drag - If the camera is locked, rotates the mesh around its Z axis and moves towards or away from the origin. Otherwise, rotates the camera around its Z axis and moves the camera along its local X axis.

RMB + Drag - If the camera is locked, rotates the mesh. Otherwise, rotates the camera.

LMB + RMB + Drag - If the camera is not locked, moves the camera along its local YZ plane.

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Hi BarrettMeeker,

Locking isn’t available in the Static Mesh editor. It may have been in the beta but either way the documentation needs updating. Thanks for the feedback, I will inform our Documentation team. You can lock the camera in the Editor viewport by clicking the arrow in the top-left > Lock Viewport to Actor > select actor.

If you want to Orbit the mesh while in the Static Mesh editor hold Alt and drag the Left Mouse Button.

Thanks, TJ