Camera issues

I have a bit of an issue with a shared camera setup. When I manually place my characters in the level it works fine; but when I go through my test character select screen, I get errors stating that the requested objects couldn’t be found and the camera defaults to inside my character’s mesh. Any idea why this would happen?

This is the part of my camera blueprint that gets the characters (I’m currently testing with just 2 instead of the full 6 for simplicity sake):

And here are the errors (I truncated the log since it just repeats over and over again):


The only change I’m making is spawning and possessing the character through a select instead of having the characters dropped into the level manually and running the “Set View” on Event BeginPlay.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Access None means you calling functions (nodes) with to non existing actors (object value in state “None” which means unset or like null in C++) plugged in to Target pin. If you can’t ensure that C1 and C2 is set at the time of using them (error referees that they are used in Set Distance and Set Actor Location nodes) you should check them with IsValid node before usage and make your code react properly for there non-existance, you can also try blocking that code with some Boolean until C1 and C2 are set.

If you have selection menu, you it’s blueprint to set Cx varables insted of using “Get All Actors Of Class”, spawn node have a return pin that return refrence to spawned actor, just use it, you should always keep reference as fast as you get access to it :slight_smile: You should use “Get All Actors Of Class” only as last resort where there no different way to get reference to actor… which is really rarely the case as you can imidietly get it when you spawn them

Thanks for the response, and good idea about tossing out the “Get All Actors” node; I still have a lot of clean-up to do and this is something that I definitely should include.

I was really tired when I posted this question and should have realized the reasoning for the errors considering that they’re being generated before the characters are spawned, that’s my fault.

Any idea why the camera wouldn’t be set properly though? When I set the view to that camera, it works normally but if I spawn the character in, the camera doesn’t work and it defaults to the “inside your character” view of a broken camera.

Maybe I’m going about this incorrectly. I used this tutorial link text to create a shared camera for my characters to use but I’m having an issue setting this as the default camera for my characters after spawning them from a character select. It works fine when I set this as the only camera from an Event Begin Play.

How should I go about setting the camera to this actor blueprint automatically after spawning?