Camera issue when switching levels in World Partition

Hi everyone,

I’m having an issue when switching between levels in World Partition when I execute my game in Stand Alone Play mode. When I switch to a level created from the open world template, a default camera is temporarily displayed at (0, 0, 0)? until the level loads. This camera is then replaced by my character’s camera.

My character is already in the scene, and I have a UI manager that fades in from black. This UI manager should be the first thing that is displayed when I switch levels. The camera has auto activate enabled, and I have not defined any data layers.

I tried using data layers, but the result was the same. Even when I enabled the data layer as active and disabled spatial loading for my assets, the default camera was still displayed.

I would like to know how to disable or configure the default camera, or how to get my UI manager to load first with its fade in.

Thanks in advance for your help!