Camera is squishing/ignoring the override blueprint update camera function.

Hey there,

I’ve burnt about an hour or so trying to fix this, but I have no idea what’s up. I updated last night to 5.4, and I know it’s a bit risky updating a game, but this games not really started up yet.

My camera today isn’t even remotely close to what it was. I’ve been through all the settings I know but any help would be a insane time save.

  1. Is the camera setup but its location etc is overridden later in 4. But not the Ortho view/ratio.
  2. It is a custom player controller to have control over the custom camera manager, It is set in game mode overrides.
  3. inside the custom player controller the camera manager is set (Excuse the spelling, I spell oddly occasionally to know it’s mine and not an unreal made version)
  4. Inside the camera manager I have a camera override function to have the camera controls Im after.

The camera has to be able to chase the player but not move on the z or y axis. hence all of this.
Before It looked great and worked well. But now its all stretched out and is now ignoring the changes in the function.

Any help would save me so much time. Thanks for reading.

Disconnecting the function at the end Results in the camera not stretching. But I need the function to be able to not have the camera move.

wierdly It still pulling the zy axis…es From somewhere. Even when I override the z y with 0.
It still somehow manages to find the x y axis.

Update 3:

Checking the default constrain aspect ratio inside of the custom camera manager has fixed the squishing. Potentially, It was doubling down? I was setting it to the aspect ratio in the camera and now also here. So doubling the effect?
Not sure. Either way that part is fixed.

Final issue is the camera ignoring the function.

It just seems to totally ignore the changes to the xyz. It actually doesn’t seem to matter how I change it. I can’t seem to effect the camera at all.

We continue the dive.

update 4:
it is working with rotation now but not location. I don’t know what changed rotation, however.
Interestingly this seems to be an orthographic camera issue.

One difference Ive found between the 5.3 and 5.4 is the “use camera height as view target” isnt in 5.3 but doesnt seem to effect it.

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I believe this is being heavily worked on, so no surprise things are shaky.

I’ve compared through my 5.3 and 5.4 for several hours and cant seem to find a difference.

Super depressing, Curiously what do larger companies do in times like this? Do they wait for an update or just force a workaround?

Weirdly, I can’t reproduce this with a new project. Which leads me to believe Its something I’ve done.

Going into a third person project, I can change it to orthographic and the camera moves how you’d expect, However In mine It’s locked at the pawn.

I made a really new empty level and changed it to orthographic and it’s also not working either.
Its gotta be something I’m doing vs the thirdperson example.

This one I find fascinating. I’d be curious the reasoning.

A little more digging seems that the camera is hard linked to the capsule.
It doesn’t matter where the orthographic camera goes inside, as it’s always staring at the capsule.
I can’t seem to override this with any trickery. It’s completely hard locked.

You can get around this by attaching a camera to the pawn, generally. But I’m just testing it now.

Final update:
on this if anyone else has the 7-hour nightmare I’ve had today,
I removed the camera from the pawn completely and made a camera actor and placed it into the world for the time being.
Inside an event tick changes the location of the camera based on the pawn location and other adjustments I needed.

Its proper ham-fisted. But it works well and doesn’t seem to throw any errors.

Thanks for reading this essay, Hopefully it helps someone like me :stuck_out_tongue:

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