I’m looking for a way to blend the 1st and 3rd person cameras as optimally as possible, using the Set View Target with Blend, and hopefully blend the 3rd person camera to new parameters from Data Rows I’ve set up as well, so I can blend between Left and Right shoulder positions.
As for what I’m trying to do now, I’ve tried everything, but there’s no Child Actor Component Category in both Cameras.
I don’t even know what to do, I’m just stuck here and losing my nerves:
make struct that holds transform of camera arm (direction and relative location to character), and arm length, maybe some more values you need for whole code.
save values for first person and 3rd person camera for that struct.
then replace/swap those values and set camera arm (with camera lag it will interpolate smoothly).
You can disable/enable lag for transition and for camera in place. And you can add more camera locations around character.
For 3rd Person Camera, I made Data Table-based camera parameters and made a shoulder position switch setup, based from the data picked from that Data Table.