I am following these tutorials : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0cLF8gjBprG6487lxqSq-aEo6ZXLDLg
There is always a weapon showing in along with the character. Why am I getting it like this ?
Secondly, after creating the minimap with camera, and then after simply adjusting my rifle, the default camera goes to the minimap camera, and even the aimDownSight is also not working :
and I keep getting this error :
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_DeactivateADS_CharacterMovement”. Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Set MaxWalkSpeed
- Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_DeactivateADS_CharacterMovement”. Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Set MaxWalkSpeed
- These are the errors :