It’s basically the same as in the rolling ball game example, except I use sphere collision with simulated physics as the root, and all the impulses are applied to it, instead of the ball itself like in the example project.
However… My camera rolls with the ball. Which is very funny, but also unplayable, as you might imagine!
I was trying to figure out what is the difference between how I attached my camera, and how it was attached in the rolling ball game example. And everything seems exactly the same - spring arm is attached to physically simulated root of the scene that rolls around.
So I can’t figure out why MY camera rolls with the ball, and camera in the example - does not.
I should probably mention that I’m trying to make a third person camera and the ball being controlled like in third person view: i.e. when you press W it rolls in the direction of the camera.
Yes, it is attached to the ball (collision). Attaching it to static mesh does the same thing since the mesh also rotates with the collision (which is the intention).
Here’s how it’s done in ball game example:
As you can see - the camera is also attached to a physically simulated root that rolls around.