For love of dog. Why is it black magic still?!!
Searched google. Nothing.
Exporting from 3dsmax, Z axis up on export. Importing the exported fbx into sequencer (after creating new cinecamera track) with both import option tuned off.
Camera comes in pointing towards, dog knows where. Mind boggles. I shuts ue4. been long time. help, you me , please.
Not to mention, FOV doesn’t even come in.
thanks. very!! (dance!)
wow thats a colorful way to say things. anyways why not just create a camera in ue4 it seems like it would be much easier.
Thanks, but that doesn’t solve the problem. 
It is such a basic thing. UE4 is being used for video production, I’m sure there is a stupidly easy way to this. I’m sure a lot of people want to know.
3ds max and unreal have different axis orientations: World Coordinate Systems in 3ds Max, Unity and Unreal Engine | A Clockwork Berry
When exporting from 3ds max to unreal, try subtracting 90 degrees from X, invert Z, and add 90 degrees to Z so that the axes line up