Camera Focus Distance in Blueprint

Hi there,

I hope you can help me I’ve been trying to figure out and even tried to google for some answers but I’m stuck.

I want to change the focal distance of the camera with a UI Widget Slider, I’ve got everything setup in the UI Widget and I’ve gone as far as I can to set it up in the blueprints but when I move the slider nothing happens.

These are my settings, somewhere I’m not doing something right pls help.


Try setting up all of your F-Stop and aperture settings in the camera post settings (which I’m assuming you’ve already done) and try this set up instead.

You can add any pins, so you can set your F-stop aperture settings or lens size or whatever you want and update it using that node if you needed to change those with your FOV changes

It looks like your blueprint is exactly what I need.

But I don’t know how to add the GET node.

Any help is greatly appreciated.