Camera Fly-Through without angle lock

Hi! I’m trying to make something similar to the [Rollercoaster demo][1] where the players’ view is constrained to a spline and still allows for 360* look-around. Its creator shared a plugin for it but UE won’t load the .dll.

An animated camera works but locks the angle of view, so you cant look around while travelling along the path. I have an Oculus Rift so that’s why I’m asking.

The same problem is discussed in [this thread][2] and they suggest to lock the PlayerCharacter to an animated TargetPoint. For some reason (which i have yet to learn) my TargetPoint does not have the option to set it as Movable so Matinee won’t let me keyframe it. I used a PointLight instead which works for that part of the job.
I copied the blueprint shown in the thread which should parent the player to the pointlight but nothing happens for me. I just see the light flying by haha.

When I launch the game, does that mean I’m automatically viewing from a player character with Player Index 0? I’m still very new to UE4 and I’m not sure if I even need the CreatePlayer node or how to use it.