Camera fade starts delayed, Client sees level loading after travel

Hi everyone,

I’m developing a multiplayer VR experience and I’m having an issue with camera fade.
The flow is:

  • Server creates a sessions and travels to level.
  • Client joins the session and travels to level.
  • Then, only clients see a single frame of the level still loading, then the character is spawned and camera fade starts correctly.

The problem is: this is very ugly and causes motion sickness, when the camera is first spawned at (0,0,0) with head offset and then moved to the Player Start, showing the level loading as if it was “broken”.

Here the solutions I tried and didn’t work:

  • Spawning a fade sphere on the camera (I don’t like this solution)
  • Using camera fade on the Player Controller
  • Using Tonemap Subpass on Meta Quest
  • Removed any slow function (like GetAllActorsOfClass)

Does anybody know why there’s this delay between camera and character creation and how can I set the camera fade to solid black before the character is created and hide this level loading?
