Hi all, so I have a ‘menu pawn’ and ‘ship pawn’. When the game starts, you control the menu pawn to control the main menu. If you select ‘begin’, it will load the first level, and the camera will smoothly transition from the menu pawn, to the ship pawn, and start the level. It all looks rather good, but the camera dims rather dark for just a second when you possess the ship pawn. Both the menu pawn and ship pawn have cameras that use Auto Basic Exposure, with min and max both set to 2.0.
Any ideas as to why my camera dims when I possess a different pawn? Or is there a better way to be doing this?
Pictures show:
- My event graph, how I’m communicating with the ‘Ship Pawn’ AKA ‘Scorpion’. How I’m possessing. (If Possess is removed, camera does not dim).
- My Main Menu, with the Ship/Scorpion floating in air, before we ‘Begin Play’.
- We ‘Begin’ and the Scorpion is possessed. The camera dims almost to black, then quickly returns to regular brightness.
- The camera returning to regular brightness, as it transitions to above the Scorpion, as the first level is initiated.
Thank you!