After packaging my project I found that some of my level sequences don’t seem to have the same camera they do in PIE, ignoring the camera cut track. I haven’t been able to figure out repro steps for this issue unfortunately but I did strip down my project to just the map and sequences that are having the issue. If you run this project under PIE you can press space to switch between two different sequences, each with a different camera. If you package it, however, the camera for each sequence is never set and it just uses the default pawn’s camera instead.
Similar to the problem I reported about events getting called twice you can work around this by deactivating then reactivating the camera cut tracks but again, I don’t want/shouldn’t have to do that anytime I want to distribute the game. It’s possible this is the same issue or at least related, in which case it may have been fixed in 4.16 but I figured I should report it as well just in case. Thanks.