Hi everyone,
I have been using unreal engine for around a year or so now and am somehow just starting to get in-depth with cinematics in a first-person format and i have a question for you guys. Firstly, I am using Unreal Engine 5.2.1 and I have a cinematic playing at the beginning of my game. A couple seconds into this cinematic it randomly cuts to ‘CineCameraActor_1’ (not in the outliner or anywhere i can see-- see screenshot 1) and says “LogLevelSequence: Starting new camera cut: ‘CineCameraActor_1’” in the output log. The weird thing is there is no camera cut in the sequence, and in fact, there is no other camera in the sequence at all… There is only StartingSceneCamera. There is another camera in the outliner, but thats for another level sequence entirely. Also, I looked into the sequence when the game wasnt in runtime and it seems like it all works perfectly, so i dont know what the problem could be (last link). Wondering if anyone knew the reason for this or how to fix it. Thanks!
P.S. This is also happening in another level sequence of mine and in that one I also only have one camera. It’s almost like a split-second frame where it cuts to another imaginary camera.
Output Log of the camera switching:
Level Sequence Details:
How it looks in-game:
how it looks when not playing: