Camera current aperture stuck at 2.8

Hi all.
I am unable to change camera current aperture, it always jumps back to ‘2.8’.

So I am unable to get the near field blur I wanted.

When I change the camera current aperture to 1.4, I can see the near field blur kick in. (just what I am looking for). But when I leave the field edit. The value jumps back to 2.8 and the near field blur disappears.

There is only one camera actor in the scene, no post processing volume, exposure is set to ‘manual’

Camera Lens settings have minimal F-stop at 1.0 and max at 22. So I expected that I could have a lower aperture than 2.8.

Changing aperture in post processing does not affect the depth of field.

I have tried everything that I can possibly think of, is there any project settings or any magic, you all can think of to help me out, to get the near field blur.

Unreal version: 5.4.2

Exactly same problem here…
Did you found how to solve this ?

I guess it’s a setup with “Cine Camera Rig Rail”.
When i unlink the camera with the rail, curent aperture works fine, but if i put the camera as child, it is locked at 2.8 value…

Would be great to have an answer if anyone knows about this :wink: