Camera / Collision issue..plz Help :D

Good Morning! hopefully someone is able to assist me :slight_smile: im assuming my issue is part to do with my camera/spring arm and partially my collision? basically, whenever my player gets near another actor, my third person camera, seeminlgy gets ‘pushed in’, so like if i was panning my camera around my player, itd be fine, but lets say as im panning i pan across my actor companion, the camera will get pushed, in towards my player until i pass the actor…ack i hope that makes sense lol…its driving me nuts…ive tried different collisions to maybe overlap the other actors so the camera just ignores them, but i must be doing it wrong. any help would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hey @Nate1232!

Check out this Forum thread that seems to solve the answer you are looking for:

I hope the above is the solution you need!


you helped me…again…lol…thanks dude…i knew it had to be something simple…ugh. :smiley: :smiley:

As far as I know, the Spring Arm Component traces its forward with the distance of Camera-Target Arm Length(you can find it in Details). If hit any mesh which doesn’t ignore camera collision, the camera will transport to the position of collision.
So as long as you alter the Collision Preset to ‘Custom’(or other)(in Mesh Component under the actor - Details), set ‘Camera’ to ‘Ignore’, your camera will ignore it.
There are three things I should remind you of.

  • Collision Preset exists in Details of Mesh Component instead of Actor.

  • If you want your player to keep collision active with this mesh, don’t forget to set ‘pawn’ in the collision preset to ‘Block’.

  • You can set collision presets for each mesh in the scene individually, even if you already set them in BP.

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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thanks buddy!! :slight_smile: