If you use the Third Person Template and pull the camera back (X <= -100.0), the camera no more collide to the objects/static mesh.
And it’s a problem for my project because I use the camera far away form my character.
If you use the Third Person Template and pull the camera back (X <= -100.0), the camera no more collide to the objects/static mesh.
And it’s a problem for my project because I use the camera far away form my character.
you question is difficult to understand. im assuming your camera is passing through objects in your scene.
is your camera attached to a spring arm? if it is are the settings similar to those used on the third person template?
if the settings are right there then are the meshes in the scene set to clock the camera channel?
Directly after created and opened a Third Person project, you double click on the camera in the game and you change the X value to -100.
Have you solved tbe problem?
This way you can have the camera where you want without losing the camera collision.
I cannot tell because I have give up UE4 learning month ago.
But I will maybe start it again next days.
Thank you this helped me, I was also setting the offset incorrectly, in stead of using the offset, I was using translation values and crazy camera clipping occurs.