Camera Clipping

Hi Everyone,

I’m looking for a feature inside UE 5.2, but i don’t think it exists. Since i have a bit of a hardware limitation, big outdoor scenes are a real challenge to me, specifically one i’m working right now, with a 700x700 m terrain, where i used more than a million instaces of grass for a good coverage.
I remember that in Forest Pack and even now in ChaosScatter, there is a feature called camera clipping, where only the scattered objects visible inside the camera cone are “active”, saving a LOT of resources.

Is there something like this inside the engine? Maybe some workaround to have similar results?


Did you place your grass using the foliage tool? There is a cull distance you can set for foliage. Any mesh further away then that distance will not be created. It’s based on the player camera. The grass will appear only in a circle with the radius of that cull distance. The Min Max values make the transition smooth.

Cull distance isn’t set in the image, but that’s where it is.

cull distance

Hi S-Dot, sorry for the late response.

I know this setting, but it applies in the camera Z-Axis, what i asked for is the possibility to hide anything outsite the camera viewing cone, to optimize resource usage.

But thanks anyway!!

Btw. You can use the console command ‘FREEZERENDERING 1’ to freeze what is currently rendering and then look behind you to check if the grass is actually rendered. I don’t know how good this command still works with nanite and so on. It might not be useful anymore.