Camera Clamping Pitch Rotation Using Enhanced Input

At moment I am trying to limit the vertical movement of Third Person Camera following behind player. If picture conveys correctly I would like camera to only rotate up to certain point and down to floor level without zooming into character. This is the camera movement Blueprint I created. It’s just simple one found in default Unreal templates. I have tried tweaking myself, but have had no success. I am fairly new to using Blueprints and would appreciate any advice. I was hoping to find solution using the new Enhanced Input system. I have seen some solutions to clamping using Mouse Y Event, but I’m not sure if that will be deprecated with old input. If it is possible could someone can help me use the new input system.
Thank you.

You need to check the actual position with what you desire and if it achieved the limit - stop adding input value.
For this purpose you need branch node and simple condition that compares actual position/angle with your limit