Camera Chase in Snowboard/Skateboard game

I think you would benefit in this case in making a seperate camera actor BP. That way you could manipulate the X, Y, Z how you want or need so the camera acts kind of like it is parented but yet its really not.

It has been a minute since I played those two games, but I think you probably don’t want the cam to do anything in the Z (up and down) like you said so when the player does tricks on the skateboard the cam won’t go up or down, or around and around (because the cam is not even parented to the player just following his Y and X).

You can check out one of the newest threads I made on that separate cam thing here.

Here is a thread where @ Everynone tried to explain to me how to achieve such an effect using child actors within your player character BP, unfortunately I never could get that to work as he did but your experience might be different than mine.