My Camera is built inside a Pawn class BP. When I move the camera using the arrow keys, the camera root (pictured) will collide with Terrain, BSP, and Static Mesh, but it won’t climb even the most gentle incline.
I’ve dug through the properties and class defaults, and I’ve enabled “Walkable Slope Override” with a Slope Angle of 90. Gravity has been toggled on and off with no apparent affect on anything. The collision option for “Can Character Step Up On” is enabled, although I’m pretty sure that isn’t relevant. I don’t know what I’m missing, and thus far my google-fu has failed to turn up any answers.
does your pawns camera use a spring arm? if so the collision sphere may need its size/collision settings tweaked - as suggested please post that as well
Okay - I was looking over my camera movement controls and I noticed I had the “Sweep” checkbox ticked off. Unticking this kind of half fixed the problem… the camera doesn’t get stuck on terrain slopes now, and instead just passes right through the terrain.
I tried playing around with the collision settings to see if it was something simple I had overlooked, but none of the settings I tried had any effect. (Tried presets for Pawn and Custom, object types for World Dynamic and Pawn, and setting individual collision responses manually, but I may have just not tried the right combination)
Attached below is the current collision and physics set up for the Camera Root. Attached to the camera root is a Spring Arm and Camera (in that order). And as I said - after unticking the box for Sweep, the camera root now completely ignores collision on the terrain. The terrain’s collision is set to the Block All preset with an Object Type of World Static (All collision responses are set to Block)