Camera animation

Hi, I exported a camera animation from Blender and I’m trying to use it in UE4. I managed to import it in Matinee but it appears rotated at 90 degrees. I know I could probably fix that in Blender however I was wondering if there was a way to do in the engine.
When I rotate it to the correct orientation, as soon as I play the animation is jumps back to where it was. This also happens when it is translated,it jumps back to it’s initial position.

Is there any way to set an offset which would allow me to position and rotate the camera animation?


I had that issue in 3ds Max and couldn’t find a solution except to rotate it in 3ds Max and export it out. Which was a bit complicated, to make sure that the whole animation was rotated and not just the camera itself.

That’s a bummer if it’s not possible :confused: I hope a dev can enlighten us